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Summer Camp at Withywindle
Approx. ages 4-10
8:30-2:30 * $325​​​
100% outdoor camp @ 2 locations
Back up playspace in case of smoke or excessive heat
Child led and play based​
Themed weeks to explore different outdoor skills
​​Small group size (max 14 children)
​​Experienced & skilled teachers
adventure club!
Approx. Ages 5-16
9:00-5:00 *$450​​
Explore locations in the Sacramento Valley, Sierras, and beyond!
Hiking, Swimming, Crafts & Outdoor Skills
Transportation Included
​Small group size (max 12 children)
​​Experienced & skilled teachers
river camp schedule
Two locations:
*Paradise Beach in East Sacramento*
*Estates Drive River Access (Near Hwy 50 & Watt)*
session 1 June 16 - June 20 Handwork (No Camp 6/19, Reduced Tuition)
explore weaving, sewing, Yarn Art and more! Make your own foraging bag for future adventures
Session 2 June 23 - June 27 CLAY
Explore all you can make with clay. We will also hunt for & Process Wild Clay!
Session 3 July 7-July 11 potions
This camp is full of Magic! We will create fun & Fizzy potions (and decide what they do) with materials from nature and from home
Session 4 July 14 -July 18 Foraging
Explore the American River's edible & useful plants. We will learn how the indigenous peoples harvested, processed, and used plants for eating, basket weaving, and art.
Session 5 July 21 - July 25 Nature ARt
This camp is for budding artists! Explore eco Printing, collage, natural dyes and other art made with natural materials.
Session 6 July 28 - Aug 1 Fairy Houses
In this camp we will build structures for our fairy friends that live at the American River! If we make them just right, we might get a visit!
Session 7 Aug 4-Aug 8 Nature Journaling
In this camp we will create our own nature journals & explore sketching, poetry, watercolors, and more! We will also explore sit spots in depth.
Session 8 Aug 11 - Aug 15 Storytelling
This camp is all about how the campers love to explore stories! We might make a play, play storycards, listen to traditional indigenous stories, and learn to tell our own.
Please bring a morning snack and lunch - Afternoon snack provided
water play every afternoon - Life jacket required (borrowing life jackets available!)
Questions about Gear, Schedule, or anything else? Email
$75 deposit/Camp to Hold your spot
adventure club schedule
Summer camp in a van! We drive to different locations in the Sacramento Valley, the Sierras & Beyond.
We might swim in an alpine lake, explore a cave, visit the redwoods, hunt for waterfalls, or take a trip to the beach!
Location schedule provided the week before based on weather conditions and group ability/desires
children should be able to hike 1-3 miles/day and pass a swim test. Ability is more important than age!
Please bring a morning snack and lunch - Afternoon snack provided
Questions about gear, schedule, or anything else? Email
$75 Deposit/Camp to Hold a Spot
session 1 - June 30-July 3rd
4 day/3 night backpacking trip
$1,250 - All food included & gear available to borrow
Session 2 - july 7th - july 11th
Session 3 July 14th-July 18th
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